We invite article proposals falling within the thematic range of the journal, as well as essay-length book reviews of recent important publications in theatre studies.

When submitting your manuscript, please make sure that you provide all of the following elements:

  • manuscript with footnotes in Chicago style (ca. 3,000-6,000 words for an article; ca. 2,500 words for a review)
  • abstract (ca. 180 words)
  • bibliography (Chicago style, 17th edition)
  • keywords

Should you have any questions, please contact us at: pamietnik.teatralny@gmail.com

Bibliographies of Pamiętnik Teatralny Contents


Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, we have made available online bibliographies of the Pamiętnik Teatralny contents for the years 1952–1994. You are welcome to browse through them: https://czasopisma.ispan.pl/index.php/pt/bibliogr

CFP: Cultures of Spectatorship: Epistemic Dimensions and Perspectives


Guest-edited by Torsten Jost

Pamiętnik Teatralny, a bilingual Polish-English academic quarterly published by the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, invites submissions for a thematic cluster exploring spectatorship in the performing arts as a historically and culturally situated, as well as materially grounded, practice of (re)generating and disseminating knowledge.

CFP: TRANSLATIONS: DRAMA AND THEATER curated by Zofia Ziemann and Paulina Kwaśniewska-Urban


The translation and reception of foreign drama in Polish theater has been a recurring theme in Pamiętnik Teatralny; after all, we cannot talk about the development of drama or theater in Poland, about their dialogue with the traditions of European theater (and beyond), without taking into account the role of translations and translators. In 2024, we want to devote an independent thematic issue to translations and their histories. We welcome traditional comparative analyses examining changes to the source text and/or differences between its multiple translations, but we would also like to encourage the authors to consider translations in various contexts: literary and cultural, as well as historical, sociological, political, economic, and legal. For details, please click HERE

Essays and articles, or According to you


"Pamiętnik Teatralny" never commissions articles. However, we are well aware that many phenomena, artistic occurrences, and theoretical concepts disappear from the research consciousness and do not register in the trans-generational memory unless there is a person who focuses their attention on them. In turn, past works sometimes seem ossified and outdated until there is a person who looks at them in a new light. We therefore invite you to submit articles on topics of research interest that did not fit into any CFP as our "Essays and Articles" section is the perfect place to develop such topics. 

WHEN: open call  HOW: via our website

Theater Histories and Theories Revisited


In 2022, on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of Pamiętnik Teatralny, we invited authors to reflect on the tradition, heritage, and inspirational potential of past theater research. We began publishing electronic versions of archival articles from the quarterly on our portal. We have also launched a new section, Theater Histories and Theories Revisited, which features articles relating to past works representing various strands of performing arts research. We invite you to submit further articles engaging in a dialogue with texts that once set the tone for research on theater, dance, performance and spectacle.

"Pamiętnik Teatralny" in SCOPUS


We are happy to announce that after Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board positive review “Pamiętnik Teatralny” has been accepted to be indexed in SCOPUS and other Elsevier solutions.